Advanced Chemical Pathology Course Specification

MD Degree in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Program on which the course is given: Doctorate in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Department offering the program: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department Department offering the course: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Course code: CCP922CP

Element of the program (Compulsory/Elective): Elective course to determine subspecialty

Academic year: 2018-2019

Date of approval: July 2015, Reviewed: September 2018

Credit points: 10 Credit points

Course duration: 30 weeks

Teaching hours: Theoretical 70% and Practical 30%

Course Director: Dr. Lamia Mansour, Prof of Chemical Pathology

Course Coordinators:

  • Dr. Reham Zeyada, Assistant Prof. of Chemical Pathology
  • Dr. Rania Essam, Lecturer of Chemical Pathology
  • Dr. Noha Radwan, Lecturer of Chemical Pathology


The Chemical Pathology course for doctorate degree in Clinical and Chemical Pathology is designed to provide candidates with the general knowledge and skills necessary to interpret and give consultant level of advice on chemical pathology tests. It also acquaints candidates with the principles of good laboratory practice and medical research.


A. Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the program the candidate should be able to:

1. Describe the structure and operation of a chemical pathology laboratory

2. Explain “method and instrument” development, performance and application.

3. Identify the effect of pre, intra and post-analytical variables on test results.

4. Explain the pathophysiology of different body systems.

5. Describe the role of laboratory tests in management of different diseases

6. Explain the standards and updated guidelines related to chemical pathology.

B. Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the program the candidate should be able to:

1. Criticize various laboratory methodology, and instrumentation regarding their performance and application.

2. Make informed decisions regarding the introduction of a new diagnostic test/method/instrument in the laboratory

3. Analyze, and interpret sophisticated and unusual laboratory results.

4. Detect possible interferences affecting laboratory results, whether pre-analytical, analytical or post-analytical

5. Provide consultant advisory services on various chemical pathology tests.

6. Assess risk in the chemical pathology laboratory.

C. Professional and Practical Skills:

By the end of the program the candidate should be able to:

1. Gain in-depth practical experience of up to date techniques used in chemical pathology.

2. Troubleshoot failures in laboratory instruments or processes logically and systematically.

3. Perform an evaluation study of a method or instrument according to guidelines.

4. Write explicit reports, business letters and e-mails

5. Implement health and safety policies and procedures in the laboratory.

6. Plan quality improvement programs, in collaboration with colleagues.

7. Formulate a strategy for service improvement in view of benchmarks and available resources.

8. Design and deliver an effective teaching event

D. General and Transferable Skills:

By the end of the program the candidate should be able to:

1. Apply leadership and teamwork skills required to implement laboratory policies.

2. Participate in multidisciplinary and scientific meetings

3. Communicate effectively orally and in writing

4. Use ethical behavior in dealing with medical and non-medical laboratory staff,

5. Treat patients with empathy respecting their dignity and confidentiality.

6. Demonstrate competent use of information technology including the use of word processing, databases, statistical programs, laboratory, and hospital information systems.

7. Expand and enhance their own knowledge and abilities through adopting life-long learning practices.