Advanced Clinical Microbiology Course Specification

MD Degree in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Program on which the course is given: Doctorate in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Department offering the program: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Department offering the course: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Course code: CCP922CM

Element of the program (Compulsory/Elective): Elective course

Academic year: 2015-2016

Date of approval: July 2015

Credit points: 10 Credit points

Course duration: 30 weeks

Teaching hours: Theoretical 70% and Practical 30%

Course Coordinators:

  • Prof. Mona Wassef
  • Prof. Nevein El Rasheedy


To develop MD clinical pathologist having outstanding skills and knowledge needed for optimum and safe microbiological processing of clinical samples with excellent interpretation and correlation of test results with the clinical situation of the patient, following and reflecting the infection control guidelines, and applying the standard rules for quality assurance, research and continuous learning processes. The graduate will be able to communicate with customers and colleagues


A. Knowledge and understanding:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

1. Define the viral, bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal causative agents of infectious diseases.

2. Identify acceptable guidelines for specimen collection and transport

3. Identify molecular basis of infectious diseases.

4. Describe pathogenesis of infectious diseases

5. Recognize the management of different viral, bacterial , and fungal infections

6. List the compulsory and optional vaccines given in childhood and adulthood with their mode of action, possible complications and schedule for administration.

7. Explain the requirements for antimicrobial susceptibility tests.

8. Explain different mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance.

9. Define the clinically important zoonotic diseases

10. Review transplantation and transfusion associated infections

11. Discuss the clinical impact of emerging infections.

12. Define the role of automation in microbiology laboratory.

13. List and briefly describe some of the blood culture systems available to the microbiologist, including the self-contained systems and instrument-based systems.

14. List and describe some of microbial identification and sensitivity systems including the self-contained systems and instrument-based systems.

15. Define quality management system essentials in microbiology lab.

16. Explain the requirements for use of reference laboratories, and elements of patient reports

17. Compare the maintenance of reference quality control stocks in bacteriology, mycology, mycobacteriology, virology, and parasitology.

18. Outline quality assurance program for the microbiology lab.

B. Intellectual skills:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

1. Formulate quality and safety manuals for microbiology lab.

2. Construct quality assurance systems needed to verify microbiology results.

3. Design log to check performance for instruments and media used in microbiology lab.

4. Collect and interpret culture and sensitivity data needed for surveillance.

5. Criticize and design antimicrobial policy for a health care organization.

6. Summarize SOPs needed for the best practice in a clinical microbiology lab.

7. Apply quality assurance methodologies in automation.

C. Professional and practical skills:

By the end of the course the candidates should be able to

1. Diagnose viral, bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal pathogen.

2. Prepare sensitivity for phenotypic diagnosis of ESBL, AMPc, and metallo-beta lactamase producing Gram –ve bacteria.

3. Diagnose multidrug resistance pathogens

4. Integrate the Q.A. measures in microbiology practice.

5. Perform count of cells in body fluids

6. Perform count and analysis of semen

7. Perform count of bacteria in semi quantitative cultures

8. Operate automated systems in microbiology lab. for identification of bacterial pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibility testing.

9. Operate automated systems in microbiology lab. for identification of mycobacteria and their antimicrobial susceptibility testing

10. Operate automated systems in microbiology lab. for culture of bacterial and fungal pathogens in blood and body fluids.

D. General and transferable skills:

By the end of the course the candidates should be able to:

1. Apply leadership and teamwork skills required to implement laboratory policies.

2. Participate in multidisciplinary and scientific meetings

3. Communicate effectively orally and in writing

4. Adopt ethical behavior in dealing with medical and non-medical laboratory staff,

5. Treat patients with empathy respecting their dignity and confidentiality.

6. Demonstrate competent use of information technology including the use of word processing, databases, statistical programs, laboratory and hospital information systems

7. Expand and enhance their own knowledge and abilities through adopting life-long learning practices.

8. Acquire communication skills with internal and external microbiology lab customers.