Basic Hematology and Blood Banking Specification

Master Degree in Clinical and Chemical Pathology Degree

Program on which the course is given: Master in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Department offering the program: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Department offering the course: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Course code: CCP 822 BH, CCP 822 BB

Element of the program (Compulsory/Elective): Compulsory course

Academic year: 2018-2019

Date of approval: October 2018 Revised 9/2019

Credit points: 3 Credit points

Course duration: 10 weeks

Teaching hours: 76 total teaching hours

Program Director: Prof.Dr. Hala Gabr Prof.Dr.Hanan Nour

Program Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Somaia Abd Elrahman


By the end of the course, the candidate will be competent in;

· Performing basic skills needed for collection and optimum processing of clinical samples,

· Operating Lab. Instrument,

· Proper interpretation of test results in hematology Lab, coagulation and Blood Banks.


A. Knowledge and understanding: By the end of the course the candidate should be able to;

i) Describe the requirements for each laboratory test and advise the appropriate specimen.

ii) List the criteria for acceptance and rejection of each specimen.

iii) Recognize normal values of leucocytes and red blood cells.

iv) List different blood components.

v) Describe appropriate blood component for transfusion therapy in different clinical conditions.

vi) Understand principles of hemostasis and thrombosis.

vii) Acquire knowledge of specialist areas in coagulation disorders

viii) State technology used in hematology lab instruments.

B. Intellectual skills: By the end of the course the candidate should be able to;

i) Analyze laboratory results.

ii) Predict the initial management different leucocyte disorders.

iii) Solve problems in cross-matching.

C. Professional and practical skills: By the end of the course the candidates should be able to;

i) Collect different clinical samples correctly.

ii) Operate different automated devices in hematology Lab..

iii) Conduct laboratory work-up to identify different hematological disorders.

iv) Perform hemogram.

v) Write a hemogram report with recommendations for further investigations to reach proper diagnosis.

vi) Apply proper blood grouping and cross matching techniques.

vii) Examine clinical samples both macroscopically and microscopically.

viii) Practice aseptic techniques and other laboratory safety measures.

D. General and transferable skills: By the end of the course the candidates should be able to;

i) Apply safety and quality guidelines in the lab.

ii) Communicate effectively orally and in writing

iii) Demonstrate competent use of lab instruments.

iv) Expand and enhance their own knowledge and abilities through adopting life-long learning practices.