Basic Clinical Microbiology Course Specification

Master Degree in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Program on which the course is given: Master in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Department offering the program: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Department offering the course: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Course code: CCP822BCM

Element of the program (Compulsory/Elective): Compulsory course

Academic year: 2015-2016

Date of approval: July 2015

Credit points: 1.5 Credit points

Course duration: 10 weeks

Teaching hours: Theoretical 80% and Practical 20%

Program Coordinators:

  • Prof. Dr. Afaf El Banna
  • Prof. Dr. Mona Mohiedden
  • Prof. Dr. Eman abdelrahman


To develop qualified clinical pathologist, having knowledge needed for optimum and safe microbiological processing of clinical samples with satisfactory interpretation and correlation of test results with the clinical situation of the patient following laboratory infection control guideline.


A. Knowledge and understanding:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

1. list microbial causes of diseases in order of frequency

2. Classify studied microorganism to species level

3. Recognize urgent infectious conditions

4. Identify the appropriate specimen for different tests needed

5. list the criteria for acceptance and rejection of each specimen

6. Define community acquired infections, hospital acquired infections

B. Intellectual skills:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

  1. Relate isolated pathogen to the present clinical situation
  2. Differentiate between diseases having the same presentations
  3. Criticize healthcare practices from the infection control point of view
  4. Recommend laboratory tests (microbiological and others) to reach diagnosis of infections
  5. Analyze microbiological laboratory results
  6. Interpret microbiological laboratory results

C. Professional and practical skills:

By the end of the course the candidates should be able to:

  1. Operate the light microscope used in microbiology lab.
  2. Practice aseptic techniques and other laboratory safety measures

D. General and transferable skills:

By the end of the course the candidates should be able to:

  1. Adopt teamwork and interpersonal cooperation skills
  2. Integrate information
  3. Acquire problem solving skills.
  4. Enhance their knowledge and skills through adoption of life-long learning practices