Chemical Pathology Course Specification

Master Degree in Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Program on which the course is given: Master of Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Department offering the program: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Department offering the course: Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department

Course code: CCP 822 CP

Element of the program (Compulsory/Elective): Compulsory course

Academic year: 2018-2019

Date of approval: July 2015, Reviewed September 2018

Credit points: 5 Credit points

Course duration: 16 weeks

Teaching hours: Theoretical 70% and Practical 30%

Course Director: Dr. Dina El Abd, Professor of Chemical Pathology

Course Coordinator:

  • Dr. Radwa Marwan, Lecturer of Chemical Pathology


The aim of this course is to provide graduates with the knowledge, comprehensive understanding, technical skills and attitudes needed for efficient practice of Chemical Pathology at Specialist level, according to acknowledged international standards for performance, health and safety.


A. Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

1. Describe pathophysiological processes of various body systems.

2. Describe the clinical usefulness and limitations of clinical chemistry tests.

3. Explain basic molecular biology concepts

4. State the application of molecular diagnostics in laboratory medicine

5. Describe the methods of assay of commonly requested analytes in a routine chemical pathology lab

6. List the sample requirements, and common interferents for different assay methods

B. Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

1. Compare between different methods used for analysis of common analytes.

2. Interpret biochemical test results in the context of available clinical information.

3. Analyze common laboratory problems effectively.

4. Compare between various molecular diagnostic techniques.

5. Relate pathophysiology to test results in health and disease

C. Professional and Practical Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

1. Select the appropriate biochemical test and method for a certain clinical problem.

2. Perform routine chemistry tests accurately and precisely.

3. Detect common interferents, and sources of error affecting laboratory test results, whether pre-analytical, analytical, or post-analytical

4. Select the appropriate molecular technique for a required genetic analysis

5. Adopt health and safety policies and procedures in the lab.

6. Provide advisory services to colleagues of other specialties.

D. General and Transferable Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:

1. Participate in case discussions with colleagues.

2. Communicate effectively with patients and their families, showing professionalism, empathy, and respect to their dignity and confidentiality.

3. Use laboratory resources in a cost- effective manner

4. Work as a team with medical and non-medical laboratory staff to deliver state of the art service, while applying time management skills

5. Recognize one’s own limitations, and when to ask for consultant’s advice

6. Demonstrate competent use of information technology including word processing, use of data bases, statistical program, laboratory, and hospital information systems.

7. Recognize learning opportunities for continuous professional development